Monthly Membership "alive" Community Workshop
Monthly membership to A.L.I.V.E. Community
Workbook to be mailed one week before workshop.
Free monthly planner attached.
Quarterly Members for "alive" Community Workshop
Quarterly Members for "alive" Community Workshop
Healing For A Wound Soul Workbook
A teaching workbook for healing from past hurts and wounds. As we look to the Word of God for our answers, we learn that we all come to God the same way. We are broken but not destroyed needing our wounds healed so we can live the live God intends for all His children. The workbook is 67 pages and comes with four pre-recorded videos or audios. Videos are attached.
Letting Go and Letting God
This workshop will guide the participate on a journey learning how to let go of things from your past for spiritual healing. This is an 83 page workbook and comes with three pre-recorded videos or audios.
God's Plan -Our Purpose
A monthly workshop learning God's plan for mankind and our purpose in God's plan. This is an 101 page workbook and comes with four pre-recorded videos or audios.
Identifying and Evicting Bad Fruit for Freedom
Workbook 5: This workbook is about learning the “root” cause of our hurts and wounds from the past, which produced character flaws from within our soul. Participants will learn how to identify those character flaws (bad fruit) produced from our wounded soul. This workbook is also about discovering “Who God Is” and letting go of our hurts and letting God heal us. Not having a good image of God, or true understanding of God’s love, His character, His power, and His sovereignty will hinder one’s healing. Knowing God gives one the confidence to trust in His ability to heal the worst of hurts.
Dressed for Success
Workbook 11: Teaching participants on living life knowing your personal and kingdom authority.
Faith That Endures
Workbook 8: Journey To Healing "alive Community. This study will guide participates with steps to eliminate fear and learn how to walk by faith.
"I Am More Than..."
Workbook 9: Teaching on dethroning critical spirit, judgmental spirit, fault-finding spirit and complaining sprit. This teaching will help us to identify these enemy and spiritual methods to dethrone them from our lives.
Freedom Is Yours
Workbook 5: Theme Workbook and Devotional with membership to Journey In His Word "alive" Community Workshop. Participants will learn how to walk in freedom from their past with victory in Jesus Christ. They will learn the importance of loving God, loving self and loving others. There will also be 2 live virtual workshops with this membership.
Building A Strong House
Workbook 7: A workshop learning how to build ourselves spiritually, emotionally and mentally for a victorious life in Christ with our foundation as Jesus Christ.
Off With The Old, On With The New
Workbook 6: Theme Workbook and Devotional with membership to Journey To Healing Community Workshop. Participants will learn how to put off the old man from their past and put on the new man of Jesus Christ. They will learn the importance of loving God, loving self and loving others. There will also be 2 live virtual workshops with this membership.
90-Day Reset & Restart Self-Care Planner
This is an all-in-one digital planner that focuses on every area of lives such as our spirituality, goal recording; mapping out our dreams, budgeting, selfcare and scheduling our daily events so that we are always on top of what's happening personally and with our family's events.
It's Not How You Start, It's How You Finish - Part 1
Workbook 14: This workbook is Part 1 of a series. Participants will learn life lessons from Kings of the Bible. They will learn that God can turn our weakness into strengths for His Kingdom when we allow Him to transform us from the old-man into the new-man.
It's Not How You Start, It's How You Finish - King Solomon
Workbook: 17: This workbook takes us on a journey surveying the life king Solomon. Throughout this lesson we learn life lessons on the importance of staying faithful to God and His Word.
Understanding Scripture
Workbook 16: Participants will learn the importance of studying the word and how to interpret scripture.
It's Not How You Start, It's How You Finish - King David: Part 2
Workbook 15: This workbook is Part 2 of a series. Participants will learn life lessons from Kings of the Bible. They will learn that God can turn our weakness into strengths for His Kingdom when we allow Him to transform us from the old-man into the new-man in Christ.
Prayers That Availeth Much...
Workbook 18: Participants will learn the importance of prayer, review prayers from the Bible and learn how to prayer.