Photo by Christopher Rusev (unsplash)
Written by Charles Head The Lord has chosen a name for those who are saved – “peculiar!” We are considered a set apart people who He has set aside as lights to the world. Because of our transformation, how we function and the way we live our daily lives may cause some to come to the light of Jesus in us or stand in the way because our life causes the brightness to dim. In 1 Peter 2:9-10 we read “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light: which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.” We must keep in mind that God has given people of the world the right to watch us and expect us to be a representative of His kingdom to show His glory and give them hope for a victorious life in Christ. It’s a troubled time today in the church as many are compromising their “should be” Godly convictions in the name of things such as status, partiality, hate in our races, and followers of those that are evil rather than the Godly standard He has set. When we are caught up in this agenda we are no different than those who don’t profess Christ as Savior. It is time to put away all our carnal thoughts and actions and be obedient to the command Jesus gave before He left this earth. He commanded us in the Book of Matthew with a title known as “The Great Commission,” which is “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things, whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. “ (Matthew 28:19-20) We should never take lightly what Jesus has commanded us in God’s Word, it’s neither a fairy tale nor symbolic, it is to be read, meditated upon and applied with action to our life. Never should we as peculiar people get so caught up this world and forget our purpose to be ambassadors to both win souls for God’s kingdom by pointing them to the Light of Christ, and live as a light to others. Yes, we all have faults, and we are not to bury our head in the sand and ignore the world around us, but at the same time we are to be more sensitive and mindful that we have an advantage with the Lord on our side. The hope that the world needs in the midst of all the crisis around us resides in us. Exercise it in order to bring fruit that can make a difference for others.
Photo by Tyler Nix (Unsplash) Written by Charles S. Head During my morning prayer time today, I was interrupted by my grandson knocking on the closed door. I had already told him earlier that I would be praying, but when you have a young child many times you have to repeat yourself more than one time. As he entered the room, he noticed I was sitting in my recliner rather than the usual bowing of my knees to pray. His comment was centered around me sitting in the chair rather than bowing, meaning that I was not really having my prayer time because I was not bowing my knees. Because of his comment I preceded to explain to him “the heart is what matters!” I gave him an example of my dear Mother, during her life she was wheelchair bound and crippled, she could not get down on her knees to pray, but I saw her talk to God many days out of her heart and she still made her connection with Him with her prayers. My changed life and transformation is a result of her prayers, because prayers that really matter comes from the heart, no matter what our physical condition or position may be. Some examples found in the Bible are in Psalms 9:1 “I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” The example speaking of the motive of the heart is found in Psalms 26:2-3 “Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins and my heart for thy lovingkindness is before mine eyes: and I have walked in thy truth.” The Lord knows the motive of our hearts ever before we open our mouth, even for those who cannot speak by mouth, He hears their heart and answers accordingly. All that matters is that we must keep our heart pure from sin in order that the connection will go through as we have a relationship with Father God. Photo by Aung Snoe (unsplash)
Written by Rev. Georgetta Head "This is the day the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalms 118:24 Every day we awake is a gift from God. He watched over us during the night, woke us up this morning, granting each one of us a new day. The Psalmist is making a declaration! A declaration of truth and of faith that God is creator of each new day. This Psalm is also about making a choice! Will you choose to rejoice because of this gift and will you rejoice in this day. Everything we do is about making a choice. We can choose to rejoice and be happy, or choose not to rejoice and allow worldly circumstances to create our day! Friends, God created each new day for us as an adventure! Every day is a journey with new discoveries in the Lord as we trust Him to "direct our steps!" Today, by faith, choose "joy" for "the joy of the Lord is our strength" on our individual journeys. Father God has great plans for our lives. Living in misery doubting God delays the manifestation of Father God's plans in our lives. Don't let worldly circumstances keep you from receiving all God has for you! Photo by Aung Snoe (unsplash) Written by Rev. Georgetta Head "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength:" Isaiah 26:3-4 KJV Every day we either read about bad news, watch it on TV, or listen to it on the radio. Bad news can be unnerving to one’s mind leaving them frightened and void of peace of the mind. Individuals are seeking peace for the world and for their minds, but they are seeking the wrong sources, leaving many in a depressed state of mind. The Bible tells us there is no peace for the ungodly, but for those who trust in God can have "peace." As Believers journey through earth they will experience difficulties and trying circumstances in their homes, their workplaces, and in this world because this is part of what happens in a "fallen" world. But, the Word of God warns Believers not to be caught off guard, we have been forewarned these things would happen! Life happens in the life of Believers and unbelievers alike, but Believers should not handle difficult circumstances as those who do not know God the Father. Believers are to be an example to the world of the joy and peace of mind one has when trusting in God Almighty. We are to keep our minds focused and steadfast on God for everything, including difficulties in life. For God is our strength and hope during our times of need. He is our victory! He is our rescuer! He is our deliverer! He is our rewarder! God promises "perfect peace" as we trust in Him. What battles are you struggling with right now? Stop struggling and cast those burdens onto the Lord, for He is your strength. Settle in your mind that God is able to meet your every need according to His riches in glory. Settle in your mind that God, who dwells within you, is stronger than anything you are going through in this world! Trust in God to fight your battles! Keep your mind "stayed on Him" and Our God will give us "perfect peace" to level any mountain and to destroy every Goliath in our lives now and in the future. I have personally TP'd (Tried & Proved) Isaiah 26:3-4. Father God does reward us with "perfect peace" as we change our thinking and keep our minds stayed on Him for every victory in our lives. TP (Try & Prove) Isaiah 26:3-4 for yourself! Father God is no respecter of person, what He did for me, He will do for you! Father God loves you very much and wants you to be stable in your mind so you can soar strong like an eagle and not become weary in your daily living. Application Find scriptures in the Bible that relate to what you are going through. Read the stories Holy Spirit recorded in the Bible of how:
The Bible is the Believers lifeline that helps them to keep their mind "stayed on God" who is our Lord Jehovah our everlasting strength. Visit our blog site:
Photo by Aung Soe (unsplash) Written by Rev. Georgetta Head "Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands: Sing forth the honour of his name: make his praise glorious." (Psalms 66:1-2 KJV)
Everyday we are faced with new trials, struggles or unforeseen circumstances that take us off focus of what is really important. And, generation after generation we have lost the real purpose of our existence, such as: 1) why are we here, and 2) why were we created. We exist to bring glory to God in all that we do, whether at work or play. God lovingly created each of us uniquely different, yet with the same purpose - to magnify His glory through our lives. To speak of His testimonies, to sing of His honor for the great things He has done. Does your light, the glory of God, shine brightly each day through you displaying the uniquely created "you" by the hands of Almighty God? Do you bring joy into every situation? Do you sing of His praises for what He has accomplished in your life? The Psalmist says "make a joyful noise!" In other words speak loudly and unapologetically of our magnificence, all-knowing and powerful God who watches over us as a mother hen watches her chicks. Sing loudly my friends for God is doing great things in you and through you! Sing loudly praises to God Almighty for His works are wonderful! Sing loudly making a joyful noise because we are His crowning joy! My friends, sing loudly praises to our God, for we His children are His creation and are greatly loved. Never let your struggles, trials or circumstances cause you to lose your voice to sing "a joyful noise unto the LORD." Nothing is impossible with God, so continue to sing a joyful noise as He is preparing the answers and solutions to your life situations. Friends, remember we are on a journey just passing through earth, so don't let the bumps on the road detour you! Keep making a joyful noise, singing forth the honor due God and His name!! |
Charles S. Head