Written by Georgetta Head Photo by Sai DeSilva (unsplash) Has there ever been a time in your life that you suffered through disappointment and discouragement or are you feeling this way now? We learn from the Word of God of a nameless woman, known only as the wife of Manoah who knew many years of disappointment and discouragement. She lived during a time period in which women were considered cursed if they didn’t have children. Well, this was the case of the wife of Manoah. We aren’t told how many years she was childless. Holy Spirit only reveals – “that she was barren.” Let’s review the wife of Manoah’s story to discover how God resolved her disappointment and discouragement! God can make alive what we believe to be dead! God can save our children! God can change our disappointments and discouragement into joy and victory!
Judges 13:3 “And the angel of the Lord appeared unto the woman, and said unto her, Behold now, thou art barren, and bearest not: but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son.” Holy Spirit does not give us the name of Samson’s mother, He gently calls her the “wife of Manoah” (Judges 13:2). Like Sarah, the wife of Manoah was barren, but she knew God and God knew her heart. God knew that the wife of Manoah could be trusted to follow His instructions in raising the “next judge” for Israel. God sent an angel to tell the news to the wife of Manoah that He knew she was barren and that He was going to bless her with a child—a man child at that. Just imagine, being barren for so long, then to be told you will give birth to a child. The angel gives her instructions from God to remain pure during the pregnancy by not drinking strong drink and to stay away from unclean foods (Judges 13:4). The angel of the Lord continued by prophetically telling her the child’s future “For, lo, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and no razor shall come on his head: for the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb: and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines” (Judges 13:5). The wife of Manoah did conceive and gave birth to a son as the angel said, and she named him Samson. Just as the angel prophetically spoke, Samson was a special servant of the Lord, who was extremely strong physically and lead Israel for 20 years before his death. The wife of Manoah was not a socialite or a celebrity in her community, she was a woman who loved and worshipped the Lord. She was chosen by God to be the mother of an extraordinary leader because of her love and commitment to God. God is still choosing woman of today! There are mothers who are not in the limelight, but raise their children the way God instructs them. Do you have a heart for the things of God! Can God trust you to be obedient when asked by Him to raise your children with godly principles? A mother’s job can be difficult at times, especially in today’s culture, but if mothers remain faithful and “train up their children the way to go, and they will not depart,” God will be there every step of the way to help them. One day, your children will rise up and call you blessed. My friends, trust God to do something extraordinary in your life, the rewards are great when living our lives God’s way and not the way of the world! Journey With The Word
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Written by Georgetta Head Photo by Kat (unsplash) “And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years. When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole? The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me. Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath….Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, behold thou are made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.” (John 5:5-9; 14)
Have you ever heard about a remedy that can help you medically or spiritually, but made excuses as to why it won’t help your condition? Well, this is what John 5:5-9 is about! It’s about a man wounded with hopelessness and all he had left in him were “excuses.” We learn from these scriptures that a man with an infirmity of 38 years was laying by a certain pool. When Jesus saw this man, He asked him an unusual question? “Wilt thou be made whole?” In other words, “Do you want to be healed?” The impotent man immediately came up with excuses as to why he couldn’t be made whole (healed). Jesus responded to the impotent man saying “Rise, take up thy bed, and walk,” immediately the man was made whole (healed). Jesus knew the condition of the man’s soul, and that his excuses were from many years of hurt, disappointment and rejection. Many will read these scriptures and criticize the impotent man, for making excuses, but how many of us do the same thing “make excuses when we can be made whole?” We too experience hurts in our lives that cause us to make excuses because it’s very easy to make excuses when we operate from the “spirit of fear, doubt or hopelessness!” Let’s take a moment to examine the impotent man’s life and attitude!
Jesus looked into the man’s heart and saw his spirit of hopelessness and rejection! This man’s physical infirmity wasn’t the problem, it was his spiritual infirmity that was the problem. Jesus was this man's “Hope!” Jesus healed the man’s physical need, but then we read in verse 14 that Jesus found the man in the temple. Jesus was now about to address the man’s need for spiritual healing. He tells the man “behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.” We are not told what the sin was, but we now know that it was sin that caused the physical infirmity. What is more interesting in verse 14 is that Jesus found the man in the temple! Was he there to offer a sacrifice for his sin? Was he there to worship God and to thank Him for his healing? We are not told the reason for the man being in the temple; but we can be sure of one thing - Jesus offered the man spiritual healing! A person with a wounded soul left in an unhealthy condition is more serious than a physical infirmity. Matthew 18:8 states “Wherefore if thy hand or foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.” A wounded soul leads to sin if not healed, and continued unrepented sin leads to eternal damnation. What condition is your soul? Are you making excuses for why your soul isn’t healed? I did! When Holy Spirit convicted me of certain character flaws in my heart, I made excuses. Each time He told me to surrender those character flaws, I would say, “that’s not me, you have me mixed up with someone else.” Can you imagine telling that to Holy Spirit! I denied the fact that I had a wounded soul for six months until finally Holy Spirit showed me experientially my faults. Whatever you are wrestling with in your soul, ask Holy Spirit for help and surrender that hurt for healing, don’t delay. Excuses keeps up bound in our hurts! Friends, Father God is more interested in our soul being healed than our physically healing, because the issues of our life, flow from our hearts. In your journal:
Today & Everyday Proclaim:
The Word of God has the power to transform and heal anyone who puts his/her trust in Father God for healing. Examples of Affirmations:
Are you struggling in your walk with God due to bad habits or wounds from your past? Click here to sign-up for our free video teaching on "Why Do I Act and Think This Way!" This 40-minute workshop video will inspire you to seek change. You too can be set free from old lifestyles or bad habits that have you repeating the same cycle over and over every day. Life is meant to be enjoyed! Journey With The King YouTube Channel Facebook Group Written By Georgetta Head Photo By Microsoft free art Millions and millions of dollars are spent yearly with men and women purchasing over the counter cosmetics and seeking plastic surgery for an outward transformation of their bodies. They are seeking a new look and a better body! These individuals suffer from a poor self-image believing cosmetics or surgery will make them into a new person.
However, we learn from God’s Word, for a true transformation it is our hearts that needs restored and our minds need renewed. Proverbs 23:7 shares with us that “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he:” What we read here is that our thoughts influence our hearts. In other words, where the mind goes, the heart soon follows. In one of our group “alive” Community sessions, a participant shared she didn’t like her looks and was thinking of cosmetic surgery. She said, “I tried all those miracle creams but they didn’t work, so my only option is surgery.” Her thoughts generated a poor image of herself and her heart believed the lie. I showed her in the Bible the way God sees her – beautiful. First Peter 3:4 tells us that beauty is the “hidden person of the heart, with a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.” Also, in 1 Samuel 16:7 God says “don’t look at man’s appearance….for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” True transformation is an inward process, it’s the healing of a wounded soul. This woman already had wonderful spirit (heart), loving to help others and being the first the first to volunteer. But, as we continued with our group session, she shared that she was verbally abused growing up. This verbal abuse left her believing she could never fit-in with others because she wasn’t beautiful and was a failure. God created something beautiful in each of us. We discover our beauty when we surrender our brokenness to God allowing Him to renew our minds in His word. Don’t you want to know your unique purpose in life? Friends, God has a great future for us, so we need stop allowing our negative thoughts to influence our hearts! The participant in our “alive” Community session, chose to forego surgery. She chose to believe in God’s word for healing of our wounded soul. She has learned to love herself and embrace the beautiful person God created her to be. As my participant did, we need to stop giving the enemy (satan) illegal residence in our minds. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. We are loved greatly by Father God and He offers forgiveness to all who will accept His gift of salvation. The choice is ours to make, God will not force anyone who doesn’t want to live a life of victory and abundance. Choose life my friends! The rewards and benefits are awesome! Are you struggling in your walk with God due to bad habits or wounds from your past? Click here to sign-up for our free video teaching on "Why Do I Act and Think This Way!" This 40-minute workshop video will inspire you to seek change. You too can be set free from old lifestyles or bad habits that have you repeating the same cycle over and over every day. Life is meant to be enjoyed! Georgetta Christian Lifestyle & Budgeting Coach Journey With the King YouTube Channel Facebook Group Written by Georgetta Head Photo by Ben White (unsplash) "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, (Romans 3:23))
I had a group lifestyle coaching session awhile back when a client state, “I don’t believe God could ever love me because I keep repeating the same sins.” She confessed her sins were the character flaws of gossiping and being judgmental toward others. She stated that when her character flaws were brought to her attention by others, she would ask God for forgiveness. But, she found herself repeating the same cycle over and over again. She was feeling guilty because she had asked God to forgive her, but she didn’t know how to stop sinning. She didn’t know how to break the cycle! What has occurred with this client is not uncommon! Romans 3:23 tells us: "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." We all will miss the mark until we know the truth, which will set us free. Everyone comes to God the same way, broken from their past. My client was producing "bad fruit" from wounds of her past and needed to learn how to be set free from her old ways and bad habits. When we sin, Psalms 51:3-4 tells us, we are sinning against God, our Creator. That is why my client was feeling the conviction in her spirit and sought help to get rid of the guilt. With our lifestyle coaching program, we identified the root cause of her bad fruit. She surrendered it to Father God and she no longer engages in gossip and has stopped judging others. She stated, "I am finally free from hurting others with my mouth, and I truly know now I am forgiven!" She is currently rebuilding relationships by asking those whom she hurt for forgiveness. My client now understands Romans 8:1 and doesn't live a life of guilt believing God doesn't love her. She now knows in her mind and heart God does loves her! Are you struggling in your walk with God due to bad habits or wounds from your past? Click here to sign-up for our free video teaching on "Why Do I Act and Think This Way!" This 40-minute workshop video will inspire you to seek change. You too can be set free from old lifestyles or bad habits that have you repeating the same cycle over and over every day. Life is meant to be enjoyed! Using our seven Biblical principles, you will identify the root cause keeping you from growing in your relationships with God, friends, and family. These principles will teach you how to change your thoughts and embrace your dreams to live a fulfilled life. Using the seven Biblical principles from the Bible, you will learn to: affirm yourself in God's Word. learn to take responsibility for your thoughts. invest in self-care & learn to love self. verify God's truth for a renewed mind. embrace your dreams for a fulfilled life. Journey In His Word "alive" Community is a safe one with like-minded women seeking God for change with their thought life and relationships. As a member of the "alive" Community you will learn habits and disciples for studying the Word of God, journaling your thoughts, and becoming intentional with your prayer life. Each month, members will receive a themed digital workbook with devotionals. You will participate with other members with 2 live calls and a monthly Coffee Chat. If you miss a live call, no problem! There will be replays exclusive to members only. To learn what “alive” Community is about, click here to sign up for our free pre-recorded workshop. Plus, using our exclusive 90-Day Reset & Restart Planner, you will learn how to: ·turn your dreams into a workable plan with action steps ·discover your purpose ·manage your finances ·organize your days with good time management ·eliminate procrastination using to-do lists ·develop good habits and disciplines with yourself and other areas ·learn the importance of self-care with your health and spirituality Sign up by August 28th to join us for the September workshops. We have two membership options available: monthly or quarterly, click here to learn about the two options offered. We look forward to meeting you at our next workshop September 5th! Written by Georgetta Head Photo by Denys Nevozhai When you hear the word "killer" your first instinctive thought is someone who kills another with a weapon of some sort. While that thought is correct, there is another "killer" that is just as deadly, this is an enemy that target’s anyone regardless of age, race or culture. This “killer” is called depression. This is an enemy that kills your quality of life by:
I know all this to be true because I suffered many years from depression. My depression began when I was about 14 years old. It started with negative thinking about myself, which was generated from verbal abuse from peers and family members. It wasn't until my 30's when I learned if we don't deal with our thoughts, we sink deeper and deeper into what I call a "dark tunnel." The longer I stayed in that dark tunnel, depression crept in unawares, and it became difficult to shake off. Through the word of God, I learned when I change my thought life, it will change my life. I had to renew my old mindset to a new mindset. My negative thinking was keeping me a prisoner in my mind. The Lord, took me through seven Biblical principles that was life changing. These principles taught me how to live a victorious and abundant life in Christ. Does this mean I will never Hanover another trial or adversary. No! It means I learned how to handle tough situations with a Christ-like mindset. Those negative thoughts no longer had control of my mind and life. My life was renewed and I learned the importance of living my dreams instead of just dreaming about them. We were created by God to enjoy the life He had blessed us with. Can you relate to my testimony? At our "alive" Community we coach our members with Seven Biblical Principles. These principles will teach you how to change your thoughts and embrace your dreams to live a fulfilled life. Using our proven Seven Biblical principles you will learn to: affirm yourself in God's Word. learn to take responsibility for your thoughts. invest in self-care & learn to love self. verify God's truth for a renewed mind. embrace your dreams for a fulfilled life. The "alive" Community is a safe one with like-minded women seeking God for change in their mind. Each month, members will receive a themed digital workbook with devotionals. As a member of the "alive" Community, you will learn habits and disciples for studying the Word of God. Using our exclusive 90-Day Reset & Restart Planner: you will learn how to turn your dreams into a workable plan; manage your finances; organize your days with scheduling and to-do lists and much, much more. You will also learn how to discover your purpose. You will participate with other members during 2 live calls and a monthly Coffee Chat. If you miss a live call, no problem! There will be replays exclusive to members only. Click here for more information. Click here to signup for our free 40-minute workshop "Why I Think and Act The Way I Do." Journey With The King |
Charles S. Head