Written By Georgetta Head Photo By Microsoft free art Millions and millions of dollars are spent yearly with men and women purchasing over the counter cosmetics and seeking plastic surgery for an outward transformation of their bodies. They are seeking a new look and a better body! These individuals suffer from a poor self-image believing cosmetics or surgery will make them into a new person.
However, we learn from God’s Word, for a true transformation it is our hearts that needs restored and our minds need renewed. Proverbs 23:7 shares with us that “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he:” What we read here is that our thoughts influence our hearts. In other words, where the mind goes, the heart soon follows. In one of our group “alive” Community sessions, a participant shared she didn’t like her looks and was thinking of cosmetic surgery. She said, “I tried all those miracle creams but they didn’t work, so my only option is surgery.” Her thoughts generated a poor image of herself and her heart believed the lie. I showed her in the Bible the way God sees her – beautiful. First Peter 3:4 tells us that beauty is the “hidden person of the heart, with a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.” Also, in 1 Samuel 16:7 God says “don’t look at man’s appearance….for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” True transformation is an inward process, it’s the healing of a wounded soul. This woman already had wonderful spirit (heart), loving to help others and being the first the first to volunteer. But, as we continued with our group session, she shared that she was verbally abused growing up. This verbal abuse left her believing she could never fit-in with others because she wasn’t beautiful and was a failure. God created something beautiful in each of us. We discover our beauty when we surrender our brokenness to God allowing Him to renew our minds in His word. Don’t you want to know your unique purpose in life? Friends, God has a great future for us, so we need stop allowing our negative thoughts to influence our hearts! The participant in our “alive” Community session, chose to forego surgery. She chose to believe in God’s word for healing of our wounded soul. She has learned to love herself and embrace the beautiful person God created her to be. As my participant did, we need to stop giving the enemy (satan) illegal residence in our minds. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. We are loved greatly by Father God and He offers forgiveness to all who will accept His gift of salvation. The choice is ours to make, God will not force anyone who doesn’t want to live a life of victory and abundance. Choose life my friends! The rewards and benefits are awesome! Are you struggling in your walk with God due to bad habits or wounds from your past? Click here to sign-up for our free video teaching on "Why Do I Act and Think This Way!" This 40-minute workshop video will inspire you to seek change. You too can be set free from old lifestyles or bad habits that have you repeating the same cycle over and over every day. Life is meant to be enjoyed! Georgetta Christian Lifestyle & Budgeting Coach Journey With the King YouTube Channel Facebook Group
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Charles S. Head